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Watch STEAM Skills Come Alive On the Job

  Edge Factor Team   |     January 05, 2023 |   3 minute read
Edge Factor new STEAM on job library helps prepare students and job seekers for future careers.

“Algebra? Chemistry? When in real life am I ever going to use what you’re teaching me?”

If you’re an educator or parent, your students or kids have likely asked you this question at least once!


Edge Factor produces short Breakout videos that showcase real-world people explaining how they use Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math and Soft Skills in their careers. 


People from diverse industries share how STEAM topics like physical science, algebra, drafting, teamwork, and leadership, come alive in their workplace.


For instance, as a Millwright at ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Shayna describes the importance of Communication at work, “As long as people are communicating well, a lot of the technical specifications that are required are going to be there so that things are built properly.”


Brad, a Carpenter Professor at Mohawk College, talks about angles in his STEAM Breakout video when he says, “If you look at a set of stairs, a set of stairs is just a series of right-angle triangles cut over and over again. We take the total rise between two floors and we divide that up into a number that is, athletically doable within the scope of the Ontario building code.” 


From Welders explaining how they use blueprints, to Mechanics talking about the importance of customer service, to Electricians discussing how they use binary numbers, Edge Factor has created deep libraries of STEAM and Soft Skills Breakout videos. 



4 Ways You Can See STEAM Skills In Action In Breakout Videos:


Inspire: Inspire career exploration. Show students that if they master this STEAM concept or enjoyed learning about a STEAM topic, maybe they should consider this career pathway.


Explore: Assign a Breakout video and activity for students to complete at home, giving students the opportunity to make connections between concepts learned in the classroom, personal experiences, and the job site.


Prepare: Empower students to understand how important Soft Skills are in the workplace. While your students are learning about an industry or how STEAM is used in a specific career, you can plug-in a Soft Skills learning moment! Play the Soft Skills Breakout video during class or assign it to your students to complete.

Connect: Make the connection between classroom learning and real-world careers. Play a Breakout video (or two) at the beginning of your lesson to engage students or at the end of your lesson to solidify why they are learning a particular concept.

Discover the growing library of STEAM and Soft Skills Breakout videos available per topic, by simply clicking on the “Search the Platform” at the top of your browse page and selecting STEAM or Soft Skills. Then start sharing or assigning Breakouts to students and build that valuable connection between skills learned in the classroom and real-world careers. 


Start watching STEAM on the job videos today! 



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