Thought Leadership

Inspiration Impacts Career Exploration

  Edge Factor Team   |     June 17, 2022 |   8 minute read
Inspiration Impacts Career Exploration

When young people are asked what they want to do with their lives, their responses are usually limited to the careers they see every day. Popular career choices like being an athlete, doctor, lawyer, actor, or musician might make the list along with the professions their family members or relatives work in.  Compared to the thousands of career options available, the initial inspiration for exploring careers is insufficient and doesn’t provide job seekers with opportunities to fully discover their passion, their potential, or the impact they could have on their community. 


Career exploration is a key element for any company that wants to hire the best possible candidates and retain the talented staff they have. We all have a role to play in building the future workforce, we can do this by supporting career awareness and exploration that inspires students and adults to consider rewarding careers available in their community.


Inspiration is the springboard for Exploration


Inspiration opens our eyes to new possibilities by allowing us to look beyond our ordinary experiences and limitations. Inspiration moves a person from indifference to possibility and transforms the way we recognize what we are capable of.


Edge Factor creates multi media tools to inspire students and adults to explore the many great, yet less-well-known, careers available.  


Edge Factor's tools are categorized into 4 phases of the Career Journey: Inspiration, Exploration, Preparation, and Connection. It’s what we call the IEPC Journey.  No matter what age or stage you're at in your career exploration journey Edge Factor’s multimedia tools help get you inspired to explore careers, prepare for the next step in your lifelong journey of learning and connect you with training and career opportunities in your community.


Recent studies have shown that inspiration impacts our psychological motivation and it reaps great benefits. An inspired person experiences increased creativity,  self-esteem, and optimism.


Inspiration can occur in three ways:  

  • Spontaneously, through an idea or an inspiring person such as a role model.  

  • As a moment of clarity, an awareness of a new possibility, like seeing something you didn’t notice before. 

  • When someone intentionally transmits or expresses a new idea or vision. 


The features included in Edge Factor’s inspiration phase utilize this three-pronged approach. Edge Factor Premium Members can access award winning documentaries, films & short stories that inspire career exploration.


Career Exploration begins with a great story.


Utilizing the power of cinematic story telling these features showcase real life people who have overcome obstacles, discovered a passion for a particular industry and learned new skills to push back the edge of what’s possible.


As students in Grades 5 - 6 watch a “Game Changers” episode, they’ll get a glimpse into real-life stories of people like pro-rider Mike Montgomery, featured in “Gnarly Metal”.   Students are inspired to explore the various careers that intersect Mike’s story of innovation and teamwork as they hear how a Machinist, Designer, Marketer, and CAD/CAM Programmer worked together to develop a new hydraulic braking system that helped Mike stay on top of his game and push the limits of what he could achieve while riding a mountain bike.


We have shared how overcoming obstacles can lead to career success. our natural talents and passions can also lead to rewarding careers. As students in Grades 7 - 8 begin to plan ahead as far as what courses to take in high school. They may be faced with the age-old question, “What do you want to do with your life?” Edge Factor created the “Skilled Responders” series to inspire students to explore careers as they experience the enthusiasm and passion industry leaders have for their careers. They’ll meet people like Laura Zettler, a Water Quality Analyst, who took her love for science and teamwork and launched a rewarding career ensuring everyone has access to safe and clean drinking water. Students will be able to connect how their interests align with the courses they need to begin to prepare for careers they are passionate about.   


Inspiring the Workplace of Tomorrow


How are emerging and disruptive technologies, like AI, Industry 4.0, and Robotics impacting industries? As high school students watch the cinematic “Careers of the Future” series they get a glimpse into where we've been, where we are today, and where we will be in the future, as technology redefines future careers and shapes the workplace of tomorrow.


There are many other features included in the Inspiration phase and the Edge Factor team is developing, filming, and publishing content for Kindergarten through to retirement!  Our library of age-appropriate career exploration tools with learning outcomes that intersect every age group is one of the core components in our "K-Gray" strategy.


Browse E-learning library


Inspiration Streamlines Career Goals


For over a decade, Edge Factor has equipped educators, workforce leaders and families with age-appropriate e-learning and career exploration multimedia experiences. We use the power of cinematic storytelling to guide people through a Career Journey from "I have no idea what to do with my life!" all the way to, "I have browsed the opportunities, made informed decisions, and successfully launched a local training and career pathway!" 


Our e-learning library equips learners to discover industries, careers, CTE/ SHSM and postsecondary programs, Soft Skills, STEAM, and local opportunities. We have created thousands of learning objects with accompanying lesson plans and interactive activities - and we are adding new content daily!


Everyone Has a Role to Play in Workforce Development


When it comes to workforce development, everyone has a role to play. Edge Factor equips Elementary and Middle School students to learn about soft skills and discover technical education programs.  High school educators and students gain access to thousands of e-learning tools, videos, activities, and lesson plans. Post Secondary Training & Institutions can access the Edge Factor platform to host engaging live or virtual events to promote school programs.  Businesses and Workforce Development leaders get equipped with tools to showcase local opportunities through virtual & live events and media creation.


You are invited to be part of this and do something in your community. Our greatest passion is partnering with schools and businesses in communities to understand the challenges they are facing and help provide solutions to inspire students, recruit the next workforce, bring technical education and skills trades into the limelight, reach parents and make STEAM learning concepts relevant.


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See it for yourself! If you are interested in learning more about what an Edge Factor membership can unlock, create your free account or register for an upcoming live webinar


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