Thought Leadership

How to Support Teachers During School Closures from COVID-19

  Edge Factor Team   |     April 14, 2020 |   2 minute read
How to Support Teachers During School Closures from COVID-19

A lot of media attention has focused on students during the COVID-19 school closures. As any parent knows, having the kids home from school and homeschooling for an extended period of time can be quite the adjustment. But educators need support too, and this is an exceptionally bizarre time for them, as they struggle to find ways to continue teaching. It’s worth knowing how to support educators during school closures. 


Educators right now have an odd job to do. They have to somehow keep students engaged during remote learning when all the rulebooks have been thrown out the window. No one knows definitively when schools will reopen, and how classes will return to normal, or what this means for graduations, final marks, etc. So much class time has already been lost, and with more to come, educators need all the support they can get. 


For starters, don’t forget to check up on educators. Even a friendly message, or one of appreciation, to let them know you’re thinking of them could be a ray of sunshine during a stressful day. Even the smallest thanks could go a long way. Teaching is an important job, but also a stressful one at the best of times, never mind during a global pandemic. We rely on young minds to build the world of tomorrow and educators are their most direct guides. 


How to Support Teachers During School Closures from COVID-19: Part 2 

How to Support Teachers During School Closures from COVID-19: Part 2 Provide Resources to Make Teaching Easier

Having pre-packaged lesson ideas and content that is all available digitally can be a God-send for educators right now. Educators need lesson plans and content that they can effortlessly organize and send to students. Content that is engaging and tailor-made for young people couldn’t hurt either. 


Find Amazing Teacher Resources with Edge Factor

For resources like these, feel free to check out the Edge Factor pricing page. There are three levels, and with the first level an educator can start with Edge Factor for free. On this page you can also learn about Edge Factor’s massive library of inspiring content, and our Career Alignment pages that are perfect for students who are looking forward to a future career. 


Parents, students, and educators can access Edge Factor content. It’s quick, accessible, and provides an engaging wealth of resources for educators who need quality content during COVID-19 - and needed it yesterday. 


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