
Edge Factor Live at Skills Ontario Competition 2024

  Edge Factor Team   |     April 18, 2024 |   8 minute read
Edge Factor will be live at Skills Ontario Competition in Toronto

The Skills Ontario Competition is back at the Toronto Congress Centre and Edge Factor is pulling out all the stops, as most of our team prepares to film, host booths, and make a lasting impact!


The Skills Ontario Competition (SOC) will be held at the Toronto Congress Centre on May 6 and 7, 2024 with the Closing Ceremonies on the morning of May 8, 2024. The Skills Ontario team says this provincial competition will offer “a unique opportunity for top students to demonstrate that they are the best of the best in their field. Over the two and a half days, they turn the heads of their educators, family, friends and prospective employers. Winners are awarded with Gold, Silver or Bronze medals - and some with monetary awards, too - and the opportunity to compete at the Skills Canada National Competition. From there, competitors could be headed to a WorldSkills Competition.”

At Edge Factor, we believe that inspiration impacts career exploration and we’re excited to push back the edge of what’s possible as we provide educators and industry partners with high-impact multimedia tools to help students move forward in their career journey! To that point, it will be difficult to miss the Edge Factor team at the event, as we’ll be bringing the Edge Factor VR Experience to the Career Exploration Showcase. 


Our team’s participation in this event will encompass a variety of activities! We will be recording footage for an exclusive video to be showcased during the Closing Ceremonies, hosting booths at the various conferences, capturing photos of rockstar students in action, and building relationships with everyone we meet.


Countdown to Skills Ontario Competition

Edge Factor is equipping Educators and Parents with tools to prepare their learners to be at the Skills Ontario Competition and celebrate the teams of students representing their schools!

Check out the latest Learn & Earn Campaign featuring Skills Ontario Alumni sharing how competing in events shaped their careers. From now until May 15th, learners can engage with stories and activities on our platform to earn their Champions Emblem and be entered for a chance to win a prize.


Share the badge with your students today! 


Meet the Edge Factor Team at the Event


  • The Career Exploration Showcase

Our booth will be the main Edge Factor attraction, where students, educators, industry leaders and parents will be able to meet our team, who are passionate about inspiring the next generation of innovators and makers. Here you can experience a virtual tour of a workplace making it easy to picture yourself in a particular career or industry from Construction, to 3D Printing and more!

Educators, OYAP Recruiters, SHSM, Co-op and Tech Teachers and Guidance Counsellors are all welcome to meet our Community Team at the booth to learn about their access to the Edge Factor platform and ask questions. Students, parents/ guardians and families can meet us at the booth to get the VR Experience, earn Edge Factor merch, and discover the inspiring tools Edge Factor creates to help learners of all ages on their career journey. 



  • Filming Content To be Featured at the Closing Ceremonies

With so many contests and competitions jam-packed into the Monday and Tuesday activities, how can we celebrate it all? Well, Edge Factor’s film crew will be covering as much as we possibly can, and editing the highlights into a high-impact video for the Closing Ceremonies! Our editing team will be on-site making it all possible. 


  • Hosting Booths at SOC Conferences

It’s a full agenda as the event features contests for students from Grades 4 to 12, and post-secondary students as well. There will be workshops, hands-on exhibits, AND conferences! Edge Factor team members will be at SOC’s Young Women’s Conference for Grades 7 - 8 and 9 -12, the First Nations, Meti, and Intuit Students Conference, and the Entrepreneurship Conference. Our Educator Liaison, Carmine Romano will be on the panel at the Guidance Educator Conference. As attendees walk in and grab their seats, high-impact Edge Factor media will be cast on the big screens. Moreover, we will have a booth set up at each conference to meaningfully connect with attendees and share relevant story-driven resources.


“We’ve collaborated with Skills Ontario on many projects over the years because we share Skills Ontario's mission "to champion and stimulate the development of world-class technological and employability skills in Ontario youth.” said Jeremy Bout, “I am stoked to not only be hosting a booth at the event but to be invited to tell the story of the competition from behind the lens, and to share this experience with my team. We’re all looking forward to it - see you there!”


Edge Factor’s smart platform and story-driven tools inspire people to explore, prepare, and connect on their career journey. Together with schools, companies, and service providers, we empower learners of all ages to discover careers and get connected to real-world opportunities.


Learn more about the event! 

Registrations are open! Visit the Skills Ontario Competition event page to learn more.


Learn more about Edge Factor 

If you are interested in learning more about what an Edge Factor membership can unlock, create your free account or register for an upcoming live webinar


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