
Free Women in Skilled Trades Toolkit

  Larissa Hofman   |     February 18, 2021 |   2 minute read
Women in the Trades with Jamie McMillan

February 22, 2021 - March is International Women's Month and we are celebrating women in the skilled trades! Edge Factor and our partners are providing a free Women in Skilled Trades toolkit for anyone who wants to share inspiring stories and help women discover rewarding career pathways. This virtual Experience equips schools, companies, and workforce development leaders with high impact media, a Keynote Presentation, and Best Practices to host virtual events and engaging classroom activities. 

Share Free Media to Empower Women to Explore Careers


With an ever growing need to build the workforce pipeline and fill the skills gap, it’s become more important than ever to engage with young women and help them explore careers. Educators, parents, industry, and workforce leaders can register for the Women in Skilled Trades toolkit to share free career exploration videos with students in classrooms, at events, and in homes! It also includes a pre-recorded Keynote Presentation and practical “How To” Guides for organizations to plan, promote and host virtual presentations. With “5 Days of STEAM”, Edge Factor has unlocked free access to watch Virtual Workplace Experiences, career profiles, and short videos that teach Soft Skills and show STEAM on-the-job, featuring female leads! This means that your online audience and event attendees don’t need to have Edge Factor memberships to access the content - they can simply visit the platform as a Guest and watch the content. 


 “We are linking arms with schools, companies, and leaders from across North America to help ignite a spark in students and job-seekers,” Larissa Hofman, Edge Factor’s Vice President said. “We are opening the door for audiences to watch real life stories of women using their heads, hands, and technology to do things like program a CNC machine, design a new product in CAD/CAM, or manage a construction project. The goal is to tap into the power of storytelling to help our viewers realize, “hey, I can do that too!””


This toolkit will be available for FREE in March and April 2021, thanks to our partners: Mastercam, ABB, California’s Arts, Media, and Entertainment, SME Education Foundation, Canadian Manufacturing & Exporters, and myBlueprint. 


What are you waiting for? It’s free! Register today.

The Women in Skilled Trades Experience is available for FREE from February 17 to April 23, 2021. 


For Edge Factor Premium members only:

This Experience will continue to be available for you all year! And don’t forget that you can assign this content for your Classes and Students to watch the media and answer quizzes. This Experience paired with the Industry “Student Directed Activities” are a great way to gain metrics and see your student responses too.


Questions? Feedback? Contact us.

Email: or message us on the Live Chat. We’d love to hear from you.

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