
Celebrating Women in Skilled Trades Experience

  Edge Factor Team   |     May 24, 2021 |   3 minute read
Celebrating Women in the Skilled Trades




May 26, 2021 –  Edge Factor’s Women in Skilled Trades Experience is officially closed for free members! It will continue to be available all year for Edge Factor’s Premium members, but is no longer available for free. 


With an ever growing need to build the workforce pipeline and fill the skills gap, it’s become more important than ever we need to engage with young women and help them explore careers. Educators, parents, industry, and workforce leaders registered for the Women in Skilled Trades toolkit and shared free career exploration videos with students in classrooms, at events, and in homes! It also included an inspiring, empowering Keynote Presentation by our Vice President, Larissa Hofman titled, “Muster your Curiosity''. You can read more about Larissa’s Keynote Presentation on our blog “Empowering Women.” 


We want to make it as easy and clear as possible for people to understand how to access and share this toolkit, so our team authored practical “How To” Guides for schools, companies, and workforce leaders with everything they need to plan, promote and host a Women in Skilled Trades experience - it even included a free Promo Kit with a customizable article, free images and pre-written social media captions! With “5 Days of STEAM”, Edge Factor unlocked free access to a ton of high impact media, like Virtual Workplace Experiences, Career Profile videos, Soft Skills and STEAM on-the-job videos, and more…all featuring women!


Edge Factor Hosted 500+ Women In Skilled Trades Events


The success of the Women in Skilled Trades Experience is evident as the content was viewed by tens of thousands of students! In only two months, Edge Factor and our partners empowered 551 events!  252 events were hosted across 40 US states and 290 events were hosted across 9 Canadian provinces. The organizations that hosted events spanned 127  school boards/ districts (representing hundreds of individual schools),  292 individual schools, 89 Industry leaders, and 43 regional and national Workforce Development leaders. These tools were used in large group settings in classrooms and schools across North America.


Thanks to ABB, Mastercam, CA-AME, NTMA, SME Foundation, and NCATC, we empowered schools,  workforce leaders, associations, and companies with high impact, multimedia tools to celebrate  Women in Skilled Trades! This free, turnkey toolkit equipped organizations to host virtual  presentations and help students and job-seekers to discover industries, careers, STEAM on-the-job  and soft skills - all while featuring women in the trades. 


Don’t miss out on the current and upcoming five Experience toolkits available this year for organizations to share in classrooms, homes, and at events:


  1. Indigenous Tradespeople (May - June 2021) - Edge Factor has created deep libraries of content and success stories featuring Indigenous Community Members in skilled trades! This Experience will coincide with June’s National Indigenous History Month and promote skilled trades to Indigenous families.

  2. Summer Camps (July-August 2021) - Summer Learning Programs and Summer Camps need turnkey tools to engage students! This Experience will bring STEAM to life and provide meaningful tools to engage students during summer months.

  3. Rock MFG DAY (Sept-October 2021) - October is Manufacturing Day/ Month and we are providing the 2021 Rock MFG DAY kit for everyone to highlight the extraordinary world of advanced manufacturing. 

  4. Apprenticeships (Nov-Dec 2021) - There are many training pathways that lead to successful careers - Apprenticeships offer incredible opportunities for students to gain real world skills and earn money while they learn! The Apprenticeships Experience will provide inspirational and informational tools for families to discover apprenticeship programs.

Pre-register for each Experience today:


Questions? Feedback? Contact us.

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