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Tips for Successful Career Planning at Every Age

  Edge Factor Team   |     September 20, 2022 |   11 minute read
Successful Career Planning at Every Age with Edge Factor

Career planning is not a one and done task. It’s actually something that begins at an early age and continues through to retirement. The average person will have at least 12 jobs in their lifetime. According to an EdEx Survey, one third of U.S. residents completely change fields after the age of 25. 


With this many career changes, job-seekers need access to tools that will help them explore careers and develop the knowledge and skills they need to advance in their chosen field or to change fields altogether. Where do they begin?


Connecting Learners Interests with Careers


Career development is a lifelong process of learning, improving skills and advancing along a career path. From Kindergarten to retirement, this lifelong process of learning and discernment brings us closer to our ideal job, skillset and lifestyle. 


For young learners, preparing for the world of work begins at home as they learn about the career choices of their family members and caregivers. As their knowledge and exposure expands through media, their community and formal schooling, they learn about other career options.  


In the elementary school years, educators focus on providing opportunities for learners to learn about community helpers, develop transferable soft skills, like teamwork, communication, leadership and so on. Educators also play a role in helping young learners connect their interests and talents with real world careers. 


In high school, career planning takes a more hands-on approach and exposes learners to specific education and training programs as they begin to map out their career journey.


Charting a Never-Ending Career Path


The preparation phase is where learners begin to chart their career path and develop the skills they’ll need to enter the world of work. 

Edge Factor tools are categorized into four phases of the Career Journey: Inspiration, Exploration, Preparation, and Connection. It’s what we call the IEPC Journey.  No matter what age or stage you’re at in your career journey, Edge Factor’s multimedia tools help get you inspired to explore careers, prepare for the next step in your lifelong journey of learning and connect you with training and career opportunities in your community.


Learners as young as Junior Kindergarten begin to make connections between the skills they use in the classroom or at home and skills that will lead to success on the job.   So, if preparing for careers begins at an early age, when does it end? The answer to that is relative to each individual, as we all have our own dreams, goals and priorities. 


Charting a new path is not always easy, and it can be difficult to know what you want to do next. There are many factors that go into making this decision and it can feel like an endless search.

This is where a growth mindset and lifelong learning come into play. With today’s online learning systems and technology, it is easier and quicker to change your career path than ever before. It gives you opportunities and resources without the risk involved in exploring different fields on your own.


Here are 5 tips to help you with your career planning:  


1. Set career planning time
    • Once a year, take time to review where you are and where you want to be a year or two from now.  List the steps you’ll need to take to get there. 


2. Record achievements 
    • What have you been able to accomplish this past year? What have you learned? This is great for building your resume, but it’s also important for you to celebrate those achievements.  


3. Develop transferable skills 
    • There is nothing soft about soft skills. It’s important to recognize the transferable skills you already have and the skills you need to develop. 

4. Explore careers & training opportunities
    • Part of career planning involves knowing what opportunities exist in the industry that interests you. Whether you are looking to advance in your current field of work or change industries, to be prepared, you first need to explore your options. 


5. Learn from others 
    • Building relationships, finding mentors and listening to others will give you an edge in building your network.


Career Planning Made Easy with A Smart Platform


At Edge Factor, we are committed to providing quality, career education for everyone at every age and stage in their career journey. It’s what we call our K-Gray strategy.  

The release of recent upgrades and new features to the Edge Factor platform are designed to provide a personalized career journey. From recording goals and achievements to helping students and job-seekers develop skills, discover what it takes to be an entrepreneur and learn about safety awareness or upskill on financial literacy…we are a one-stop shop for everything you need to move forward in your career development and prepare for a successful future.


Using a comedic approach and the power of storytelling, Edge Factor’s Soft Skills Library covers employability skills such as Initiative and Enterprise, where Fred not only explains what these skills are, but he also provides steps on how learners can develop these skills. He also introduces learners to Zech. 


Zech’s sister faced an untimely death after a battle with cancer. Zech noticed the medical equipment his sister used was bulky and made it nearly impossible for her to get up and walk. Zech began to think about making medical equipment to help patients like his sister receive the medical treatment they need while making it easier for them to get around. He used initiative and enterprise to take his ideas and make them a reality – with these skills, he started a career making medical equipment. 


In the Safety Awareness series, learners hear from industry leaders who highlight health and safety protocols, equipment, and training to help everyone stay safe on job sites.

It takes great wisdom to learn from our own mistakes, but even more so to learn from the mistakes of others. Edge Factor’s Potholes series teaches learners to avoid making the same mistakes as others. Viewers learn what to do…or what not to do…as they hear real-life stories from employees like Jason.


Jason came into work everyday with a bad attitude. He complained about everything and displayed toxic behavior. His negative attitude impacted his co-workers and his career. Learners have the opportunity to explore and reflect on the topic covered in the video through downloadable lesson plans and accompanying activities. 





Tomorrow Belongs to the People Who Plan for it Today


No matter what stage of the career journey you’re at, or if you're a parent or an educator looking to support your learners on their career journey, you need a plan in order to be prepared. 


Taking the time to chart a career path, setting goals, exploring career and training opportunities, developing transferable skills, recording achievements and learning from others will help you be prepared to enter the world of work, or make that career change you have been thinking about.


At Edge Factor, we believe it all begins with a good story! We travel the globe to film real people working in diverse industry sectors to create high-impact career exploration media.  Our e-learning resources provide educators and students with the tools they need to dig deeper and make meaningful connections.


There are more new features being developed that will dive deeper into the preparation phase. These features will showcase thought leaders sharing tips on how to prepare for a job interview, put your best foot forward on the job and how to deal with barriers you may face as you prepare to enter the workforce. 


Be on the lookout for more good news, updates, and new features as they go live!


Learn more about Edge Factor 

If you are interested in learning more about what an Edge Factor membership can unlock, create your free account or register for an upcoming live webinar


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