
Kidder Kits & Edge Factor: Hands On Learning

  Edge Factor Team   |     April 26, 2022 |   4 minute read
Edge Factor aligns with Kidder Kits to inspire career exploration.


Kidder and Edge Factor are partnering together to equip educators who have purchased Kidder’s hands-on projects and premium Edge Factor memberships with playlists of career exploration media and quizzes that align to specific Kidder Kits! After building a Kidder Kit, students can watch inspiring Edge Factor videos and complete quizzes to understand the industries and careers related to their Kidder Kit.


Kidder Mfg. Ltd. (Kidder Educational) is a Canadian Science & Technology, MakerSpace store and resource centre with over 40 years of experience working with teachers, educators and students to help bring science concepts to life through hands-on, project-based learning. With the right tools, components and resources, we believe that students will thrive in STEM education when given the opportunity to tinker and make things with their hands! Questions? Email Curtis Legiehn at


Edge Factor’s e-learning platform is designed for students to go on a career journey. Using the power of storytelling, Edge Factor’s videos and activities inspire students to explore careers through online learning and virtual tours of companies, prepare them to enter the workforce with STEAM and Soft Skills, and connect with local training programs and careers. 


Edge Factor and Kidder Provide Home and School STEAM Kits



Edge Factor partnered with Kidder Kits to inspire career exploration


Edge Factor and Kidder are partnering to equip educators with a one stop shop of hands-on material and engaging media programming, that implements curriculum requirements. Kidder provides "Class Packs" of all sizes and grade levels that are either custom made to your specification or already assembled for your convenience, as well as many tools and items that reflect your needs. With 41 years of experience, Kidder has a proven track record of quality products, efficient servicing and valued relationships. 


Now included in premium Edge Factor memberships are playlists that match to specific Kidder Kits. Educators can play this media for students as a class activity, or assign it for them to complete individually. If you want your students to complete the quizzes, you can assign the content to your students. Click the link to watch and share career exploration media and quizzes:


This is a growing library with more playlists being added throughout the year. Students in Grades 5 to 8 will have the opportunity to dive into experiential learning while also starting their career exploration journey. The combination of Edge Factor’s media and Kidder Kits will inspire students to explore future careers in skilled trades where hands on means minds on! 


For Edge Factor Premium Members: 


Log in today to access the downloadable guide on how to order your Kidder Kits, access and share the Edge Factor media that aligns with the kits. Don’t forget you can assign this content for your Classes and Students to watch the media and answer quizzes. 


Not a member yet? 

Check out our website to learn how Edge Factor is equipping students to explore careers in the skilled trades. 


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Questions? Feedback? Contact us. 

Email: or message us on the Live Chat. We’d love to hear from you. 


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