
Rock MFG Day With Engaging Videos

  Edge Factor Team   |     September 23, 2020 |   2 minute read
Edge Factor ROCK MFG Day Experience inspires career exploration in manufacturing

MFG Day is an annual, national movement for manufacturers, educators, and community leaders to host events that raise awareness of careers and advanced technology in the world of manufacturing. The goal is simple: to inspire and build the workforce pipeline.

But here’s the scenario for so many manufacturers in 2020: COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and likely, your initial MFG Day plans to host a live event have been derailed. The good news is that, with the right tools, Manufacturing Day 2020 can provide you with an opportunity to engage students, job-seekers and parents in live or virtual classrooms and right at home!


The FREE Rock MFG DAY toolkit empowers audiences to experience different workplaces, explore career pathways and learn soft skills all through a STEAM perspective (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math). 

From September 28 to October 2, 2020, you will be able to host live or virtual events and use these tools to highlight manufacturing careers and showcase how STEAM comes alive in manufacturing. 


Each day includes engaging videos with a specific focus on STEAM:


  1. Day 1: Science
  2. Day 2: Technology
  3. Day 3: Engineering 

  4. Day 4: Art
  5. Day 5: Math 

Each day provides you with resources to inspire audiences with cinematic stories and films. Help students explore career pathways, experience virtual workplaces, and prepare for their future career with videos on soft skills and of course, STEAM. 


Everything in the Rock MFG DAY kit is free and available until November 1, 2020.


Your Rock MFG DAY event can be as BIG or as small as you like.

  • Educators are sharing the tools with students in-class and virtually. 

  • Companies are sending the Registration link to local schools, and even hosting Q&A sessions.

  • Workforce Leaders are introducing schools to companies.

  • Families are sitting down and watching the Rock MFG DAY videos.

YOU can share the links on social media for everyone in your network to watch completely for free - no login needed! 


If you haven’t already registered, click here! After you register, feel free to check out the helpful Tutorial video to discover how you can use these  tools.


Questions? Contact us.

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