
Purdue University’s MSTEM3 Grant Initiative Goes Live

  Larissa Hofman   |     January 23, 2014 |   1 minute read

Purdue University and Edge Factor are on a mission to change the image of manufacturing. With Purdue’s launch of the MSTEM3 Grant Initiative, they are equipping schools with tools to inspire audiences, using eduFACTOR’s high impact media.

BUFFALO, NY – Edge Factor is a new media production company that uses the power of storytelling to inspire audiences and change the perception of manufacturing. Based on Edge Factor productions, eduFACTOR is a membership-based, online suite of multimedia resources. eduFACTOR offers media from Edge Factor’s TV series LaunchPoint, Edge Factor Show and Reality Redesigned, as well as virtual presentations, Edge Factor Live events and more. For each production included in the membership, comes a package of accompanying tools and resources such as lesson plans, event bundles, hands on projects, career pathway lesson plans, and more content will continue to be added on a weekly basis. 


Learn more about how Edge Factor is providing experiential learning tools for classrooms across North America. 

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