
Ontario CLRI Partners with Edge Factor to Highlight Long-Term Care Careers

  Edge Factor Team   |     November 05, 2024 |   5 minute read
Ontario CLRI Partners with Edge Factor to Highlight Long-Term Care Careers

[Waterloo, ON, November 5, 2024] – By 2029, Ontario long-term care (LTC) homes will need nearly 60,000 more nurses and personal support workers to care for residents. In recognition of Long-Term Care Awareness Day on November 22, the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research, and Innovation in Long-Term Care (Ontario CLRI) at the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) is proud to announce the expansion of our partnership with Edge Factor. Together, we aim to inspire the next generation of long-term care professionals in Ontario to help meet these critical staffing needs.


Over the past few years, Edge Factor has partnered with Ontario CLRI to showcase the stories of real people in Ontario who are making a difference in long-term care homes. Through career media and learning tools, long-term care team members highlight the skills, industries, and career paths that shape this vital field. These videos and the accompanying activities are being shared with students in grades 7-12. In November, these tools will be part of Edge Factor’s Learn & Earn initiative, a dynamic experience designed to inspire students to explore meaningful careers in long-term care. Every human life matters and our reliance on compassion and quality care increases as we age. At the Ontario CLRI, we partner with the LTC sector to train the workforce and share research, innovations, and resources to enhance the health and well-being of people who live and work in long-term care. 


"Our goal is to shine a light on the rewarding careers available in long-term care and the impact they have on both individuals and communities," Esther Russell, Project Manager | Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care. "By partnering with Edge Factor on this initiative, we aim to inspire the next generation to step into these fulfilling roles that require empathy, compassion, and dedication to improving the lives of older adults."


Interactive Learning and Prizes


Throughout November, students and job seekers can access the Empathy in Action badge for free on Edge Factor, where they will engage in interactive activities highlighting the diverse roles within long-term care, such as Food Service Worker, Personal Support Worker, and Nurse Practitioner. Participants will also develop soft skills in Critical Thinking and Collaboration—both essential in caring for residents in LTC.


Students who log in and complete the badge will be entered into a prize draw for a Fitbit, perfectly fitting with the theme of well-being and care. As part of Edge Factor’s monthly Learn & Earn campaign, this program connects students to gamified learning activities while motivating them to explore new career paths—keeping both their minds and bodies active!


Long-Term Impact


After November, the Empathy in Action badge will continue to be available to premium Edge Factor members, ensuring ongoing access to this valuable content. Edge Factor is already working with hundreds of schools across Ontario, and we’ll keep promoting the career stories and insights we filmed in long-term care, in partnership with the Ontario CLRI at the RIA. This badge, along with those stories, will be a powerful tool for educators to share in classrooms, and for students to earn—whether they’re in class, at home, or on the go. This collaboration represents a long-term investment in raising awareness and appreciation for long-term care careers.


About The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care

The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care strengthens the quality of life and care for residents across the province. We are a program of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care that acts as a resource for the sector to enhance the health and well-being of people who live and work in long-term care.


About Edge Factor

As a leader in workforce and career development solutions, Edge Factor uses the power of storytelling to inspire people to explore, prepare, and connect on their career journeys. The platform offers a vast library of films, videos, activities, lesson plans, badges, and career tools to schools, families, companies, and service providers. Through partnerships, global events, and multimedia content, Edge Factor connects learners of all ages with meaningful career pathways.


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