December 10, 2021 – The results are in! Edge Factor and our partners empowered 650+ locations across North America with a free Summer Camps toolkit to inspire Grades 5 -8 students to explore careers and see STEAM come to life. The Summer Camps toolkit was available in June, July, and August for students, schools and families to access on the Edge Factor platform. This turnkey toolkit equipped families and summer learning programs with engaging videos and interactive, hands-on activities to help students discover industries, careers, STEAM in the real world, and soft skills on-the-job. Summer Camps 2021 is officially closed for free but it will continue to be available for Edge Factor’s Premium members.
Thanks to ABB, CA-AME, and myBlueprint we empowered communities with high impact, multimedia tools to explore how STEAM comes alive on the job for people working in the skilled trades!
The Summer Camps Toolkit received 1600+ page views!
With 1600+ page views across 18 School Districts (representing hundreds of schools), 16 individual schools, and 8 Postsecondary institutions, 590 families, students, and guests hosting summer programs, events and presentations, this content was seen by tens of thousands of people.
In the US, 381 locations, across 31 states and in Canada, 91 users across 8 provinces accessed the Summer Camps toolkit. We are also excited to share that this toolkit was also accessed globally by 185 locations across 8 countries, such as China, England, Ireland, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, and Singapore. That is incredible in only three months!
We want to take a minute to say Thank You to our partners for making this toolkit available. And thank you to the 11 Industry leaders, 24 Schools and Educational leaders, 8 Postsecondary schools, 10 Workforce Development leaders, and 590 families, students, and guests who tapped into the Summer Camps toolkit.
The Summer Camps toolkit equipped students in Grades 5 - 8 with 5 Days of STEAM content, cinematic inspirational films, engaging activities and a chance to win prizes!
To ensure people understood how to access and share this toolkit, we created "How To" Guides. These guides provided easy to use checklists for hosting a live or virtual event, a promotional kit with a customizable article, free images and social media captions!
Don’t miss out on the upcoming Experience toolkits available next year for organizations to share in classrooms, homes, and at events:
Future Skills Toolkit: available for free in January - February 2022 - As students are choosing which programs to enroll in for the following year, Edge Factor’s Future Skills toolkit will promote and celebrate technical education programs and encourage students to get involved! (This will be a great tool for US organizations to celebrate CTE Month too!)
Diversity in Skilled Trades Toolkit: available for free in March -May 2022 - This toolkit is all about showcasing diverse people in diverse careers in the skilled trades. Coinciding with awareness days like International Women's Day and Black History Month, this toolkit will provide a ton of content for your organization and network to celebrate real life men and women who have launched rewarding career pathways.
Summer Camp Toolkit: available for free in June - August 2022 - Summer Learning Programs and Summer Camps are in need of turnkey tools to engage students! This toolkit shows how Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math all come alive in real world careers! Perfect for summer camps or family activities.
Rock MFG DAY: available for free in September - November 2022 - October is Manufacturing Day/ Month and we are providing the 2022 Rock MFG DAY kit for everyone to highlight the extraordinary world of advanced manufacturing. This toolkit includes resources to promote manufacturing careers and technology and showcase how STEAM comes alive in this industry.
Questions? Feedback? Contact us.
Edge Factor’s Summer Camps toolkit is officially closed for free members. It will continue to be available for Edge Factor’s Premium members, but is no longer available for free. If you’re interested in a Premium Edge Factor membership, you can check out our Tools & Pricing page or email: info@edgefactor.com or message us on the Live Chat. We’d love to hear from you.