
Why Get Involved in MFG Day Events?

  Edge Factor Team   |     September 19, 2024 |   5 minute read
Edge Factor Rock MFG Day toolkit

It’s just another day. Your alarm goes off at 7am, and you reach over to turn it off. You roll out of bed and begin your usual morning routine. As you get ready you're listening to your favourite music off your Spotify playlist.


As you head into the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee is evident, you reach for your favourite coffee mug and open your fridge to prepare breakfast before heading out the door.  Before you leave you inquire about the weather and traffic with your Google nest and plan your route. Then you grab your car keys, put the key in the ignition and off you go. 


One hour into your day and you have already relied on at least a dozen manufacturing industries.  From the bed you were sleeping on, the clothes you’re wearing, the phone in your hand, to the machine that made your coffee and the vehicle that got you to your destination. 


So we rely on makers for the things we use everyday. What’s the big deal? What does that have to do with you getting involved with MFG Day events? 


While we could hit you with stats...and there are plenty that demonstrate how there are more manufacturing jobs than there are workers ready to fill those positions.  Instead let’s meet Darryl, because at Edge Factor it all begins with a great story.  


From Lego to Professional Engineer 


As a child, Darryl Spector enjoyed spending time building with lego, and taking lawnmowers apart and putting them back together. He was fascinated with how things work. Now he has a rewarding, successful career in the automation industry as a Professional Engineer and President, at Promation. Darryl knows the products built at Promation supply the energy industry, medical professions and transportation industry. 


Darryl shared with Edge Factor, “One of the great things about working in the automation industry is knowing that these careers give livelihoods to people. They have the confidence that with a job at this company they can build homes and build a life through this opportunity. There is no shortage of opportunities in automation manufacturing.”  



There are many myths around manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing work is dirty, low paying and low tech, and are low skilled manual jobs.  This couldn’t be further from the truth. When you stop to think about all the stuff you use everyday, you’ll see that manufacturing careers are using more technology, and combine both intellect and manual labour, hands on doesn’t mean minds off. 


It's not just about “How it's made” 


Manufacturer turned filmmaker, Jeremy Bout, The Founder & President of Edge Factor, started out working in a manufacturing shop operating a 5 Axis CNC Machine.  What Jeremy quickly realized was how he had to use his mind and his hands to operate the machine. It wasn’t just about how these critical parts were being made. The people behind the machines know they are contributing to machines and equipment being used in race cars, the medical field, aerospace and more. 


Be inspired by Jeremy’s career journey. 

Quote by Jeremy Bout


During the month of October many schools and manufacturing companies are promoting National Manufacturing Day and hosting events throughout the month. It’s a time to celebrate manufacturers, dispel myths and raise awareness of careers and advanced technology in the world of manufacturing.


MFG Day Events Bridge the Skills Gap


We all have a role to play in building the manufacturing workforce. Whether you are a parent, educator, student or business leader, MFG Day Events are for you. Manufacturing Day events are opportunities to connect students, educators, parents and companies, so we can start to bridge the skills gap and build the future workforce. 


Learn from what others are doing. If you are a student or job-seeker looking to launch a rewarding career or start a company, MFG Day is an opportunity to learn from what others are doing. Connect with local companies and discover local training opportunities. 


Share your story. If you’re working in the industry and find it challenging to share the excitement you have for your work. MFG Day events provide a means for you to share the rewards and benefits you experience on the job.  


Demonstrate how STEAM comes alive in real world careers. Educators have students asking, “When am I ever going to use this in the real world?” MFG Day events provide opportunities for students to hear from those working in manufacturing. Show your students how STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math comes alive on the job. 


For the last several years Edge Factor has created a ROCK MFG Day toolkit that includes high impact media featuring inspirational stories of those in the manufacturing industry. The toolkit also includes ‘how to guides’ to help you host engaging events, and a keynote presentation by Jeremy Bout.



Questions? Feedback? Contact us.

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